For further information, please visit the IWUF's official website:
1. Voting begins at 00:00 on 15th December, 2023, and ends at 23:59 on 15th January, 2024 (Beijing Time).
投票于2023年12月15日0:00 启动,截止2024年1月15日23:59 (均为北京时间)。
2. You can give your votes to the candidates on the IWUF website once per 24 hours.
3. You must select at least three (3) candidates and at most ten (8) candidates for different awards ( in total of 8 male and female awards in this selection) and only one candidate can be voted for each award.
4. After selecting 3-8 candidates for different awards, you should click “Submit Votes” button to finish the final voting. If your votes are given to one candidate only, the votes will not be submitted and counted in the online voting system.
5. The numbers of votes cast for each candidate will be visible in real time throughout the online voting period.
6. All voters shall adheres to the principles of fair play in sport. The IWUF will supervise and scrutinize the online voting process closely. Any anomalies that appear will be investigated. To ensure the fairness, integrity, openness of this Selection, any necessary measures may be taken to prevent or punish any conduct that are against these principals.
7. The IWUF Secretariat reserves the right to interpret this selection activity.
You have selected this athlete.
You must select at least three (3) candidates for different awards (in total of 8 male and female awards in this selction) before submitting your final votes.